

Zermatt allows to extract parts of templates into smaller, reusable pieces.

As its name suggests, this feature takes an approach similar to the one of many frameworks.

The Zermatt implementation of such pattern is a zermatt_partial() method that can be used in phtml template files. Under the hood, it is a syntactic sugar for $layout()->createBlock(Template::class, 'randomName', ['template' => 'Vendor_Module::some-template.phtml']);.

The drawback of such approach within Magento is that partials are not part of layout XML files. It is therefore not possible to rework them thru layout updates.

This is why using partials should be limited:

  • to themes templates
  • to creating reusable phtml components (ie: a product thumbnail, see below)

Using partials

Create the partial template in the theme:

// app/design/frontend/Package/theme/Vendor_Package/templates/partials/partial.phtml
<div>I am a partial</div>

Create the template hosting the partial:

// app/design/frontend/Package/theme/Vendor_Package/templates/partials.phtml
<div>I am a Magento template</div>
    <?php zermatt_partial('Vendor_Package::partials/partial.phtml') ?>

Nesting partials

Partials can be nested. Just call a partial in a partial and so on.

Passing variables

Pass variables to a partial like this:

<?php zermatt_partial('Vendor_Package::partials/partial.phtml', ['name' => 'John', 'age' => 45]) ?>

The data is passed as $data to the partial. You can access it using native Magento methods:

<div>Hello <?= $block->getName() ?>, aged <?= $block->getAge() ?></div>

Use case: a product thumbnail

Here is the file structure:

   ├── templates
      ├── product-thumbnail
      │   ├── add-to-cart.phtml
      │   ├── info.phtml
      │   ├── main-content.phtml
      │   └── media.phtml
      └── product-thumbnail.phtml

Here is an example layout XML file content:

<referenceContainer name="main.content">
    <block class="Vendor\Module\Block\Product" name="product_thumbnail" template="Vendor_Module::product-thumbnail.phtml"/>

The main product-thumbnail.phtml template

/** @var \Vendor\Module\Block\Product $block */
$product = $block->getProduct();
<div class="product-thumbnail">
    <?php zermatt_partial('Vendor_Module::product-thumbnail/main-content.phtml', ['product' => $product]) ?>
    <?php zermatt_partial('Vendor_Module::product-thumbnail/add-to-cart.phtml', ['product' => $product]) ?>

The product-thumbnail/main-content.phtml template:

$product = $block->getProduct();
<div class="main-content">
    <h2><?= $product->getName() ?></h2>
    <?php zermatt_partial('Vendor_Module::product-thumbnail/media.phtml', ['product' => $product]) ?>
    <?php zermatt_partial('Vendor_Module::product-thumbnail/info.phtml', ['product' => $product]) ?>

The product-thumbnail/add-to-cart.phtml template:

<div class="add-to-cart">
    <button type="submit" name="add_to_cart">
        <span><?= __('Add to cart') ?></span>

The product-thumbnail/media.phtml template:

<div class="media">
    ... media content ...

The product-thumbnail/info.phtml template:

<div class="info">
    ... info content ...

In this example, we only declare one block in the layout: the main product-thumbnail.phtml template, linked to a custom PHP class block where the business logic is placed. All partials receive the $product retrieved in the main template.

This gives much flexibility for frontend developers who are not familiar with Magento layout to easily create (reusable) components only using partials. The backend developer has to prepare the main template with the data to be used throughout the partials.