Build & deployment

Build & deployment

Zermatt is part of the standard Magento build and deployment process.

Caution: the dist and node_modules directories of the web/zermatt themes directories are (and should stay) GIT-ignored. But those are needed on the target environment. So, if your CI/CD workflow has steps that involves VCS, you will need to make a manual build on your build server so that those directories are passed along and available on the target environment.

Automatic build

Deploying Zermatt should be quite straightforward as it is embedded into the native setup:static-content:deploy process. Before setup:static-content:deploy starts its job, a "before" plugin calls \Maddlen\Zermatt\App\Build::themes.

This operation runs a build process that:

  • Finds all Zermatt-enabled themes.
  • Runs npm install in their web/zermatt directory => creates/updates the node_modules directory.
  • Runs npm run build in their web/zermatt directory => creates/updates the dist directory with a production optimized build.

Now that all eligible themes in app/design are populated with their Zermatt builds, the Magento setup:static-content:deploy command can run and do its job to choose which files to copy to pub/static. Zermatt does not change the Magento logic that populates pub/static ; it rather profits from it to make its inheritance/fallback system work.

Manual build

If for some reason, you need to generate a production version of the node_modules and dist directories for one or more Zermatt-enabled themes, please run the bin/magento zermatt:build command. More details about zermatt:build.