Backend data forwarding

Backend data forwarding

Forward data from the backend to a Zermatt module.

See Variables documentation.

There are 2 ways to pass backend data to a Zermatt module: with module properties or Zermatt variables.

Module properties

To be preferred to keep data scoped to the current template.

Zermatt gives the ability to pass properties to the AlpineJS component powering a Zermatt module.

Please see the vendor/maddlen/module-zermatt-examples/view/frontend/templates/welcome.phtml template.

It has this content:

<?php $customerName = 'John Doe' ?>
<div x-data="Zermatt.Module('welcome', {customerName: '<?= $customerName ?>'})" x-text="greet()"></div>
  • The $customerName PHP variable is populated.
  • The welcome Zermatt module is instanciated...
  • ... with the value of $customerName populating the customerName property of the AlpineJS component.
  • The x-text then outputs the result of the greet() method which needs the customerName property.

Zermatt variables

To be preferred to expose data to all the Zermatt modules and PHTML templates.

It is possible to call the zermatt_variable(<key>, <value>) PHP method in any PHP or phtml file, It populates the Zermatt.Variables frontend JS object: Zermatt.Variables.<key> = <value>.


We need to have some customer information available in many parts of a page. We could:

  • Create a \Magento\Framework\View\Element\Text block class with the business logic to get customer data.
  • Use its getText() method to call zermatt_variable().
  • Get the customer data in all phtml and JS files with Zermatt.Variables.


Layout update:

<referenceContainer name="zermatt.variables">
    <block class="Zermatt\Doc\Block\ZermattCustomerData" name="customer_data"/>

Note: a layout container named zermatt.variables is created by Zermatt. You can then use it to add new variables declarations.

The Zermatt\Doc\Block\ZermattCustomerData class:

class ZermattCustomerData extends \Magento\Framework\View\Element\Text
    public function __construct(
        private CustomerRepositoryInterface $customerRepository,
        Context                             $context,
        array                               $data = []
        // Using __construct rather than data model for demo purposes
        parent::__construct($context, $data);
    public function getText(): string
        zermatt_variable('customerData', $this->customerData());
        return '';
    private function customerData(): array
        $customer = $this->customerRepository->get('[email protected]');
        return [
            'firstName' => $customer->getFirstname(),
            'lastName' => $customer->getLastname(),

Note: it is possible to rather adopt a radical and global approach. For example, by using a plugin on the controllers execute() method and call zermatt_variable() from there.

zermatt_variable() can be used anywhere in your PHP and phtml files.

The AlpineJS component:

// Module named "customerWelcome"
const customerData = Zermatt.Variables.customerData
export default {
    greet() {
        return `Hello ${customerData.firstName} ${customerData.lastName} and welcome!`

Content of the template:

<div x-data="Zermatt.Module('customerWelcome')" x-text="greet()"></div>


Hello John Doe and welcome!

If you do not want to use a Zermatt module (at the cost of JS flexibility), it is possible to use "empty" AlpineJS components in the template.

<div x-data="{}">
    Hello <span x-text="Zermatt.Variables.customerData.firstName"></span> <span x-text="Zermatt.Variables.customerData.lastName"></span>