Zermatt in vendor templates (Alpine.bind)

Zermatt in vendor templates (Alpine.bind)

Using Alpine.bind to attach Zermatt components to existing DOM elements.

Alpine.bind has the ability to programmatically attach an AlpineJS component to existing DOM elements.

When applied to Magento, this has the advantage to use Zermatt on elements for which you may not want to change the HTML markup. For instance: a Magento or vendor block for which you do not want to overload the template in your theme.

In this example, we are enhancing the native Magento header search without changing its template.

Open these files from the /vendor/maddlen/module-zermatt-examples/view/frontend directory:

  • templates/bind.phtml
  • web/js/zermatt/modules/bind.js


  • We wait for Zermatt to be ready.
  • We use Alpine.bind to attach the ZermattExamples_Bind to the x-data attribute of the #search_mini_form

From now on, the native #search_mini_form element uses ZermattExamples_Bind without touching a line of its template.


As we attached the ZermattExamples_Bind module to #search_mini_form, the current element this.$el of the module is also #search_mini_form. So the query, init and onInputChange properties are scoped to #search_mini_form.

  • We make a new Alpine.bind on the #search_mini_form > #search element with a 2-way data binding using x-model.
  • This allows us to listen to changes on the search input field...
  • ... to which we react by calling onInputChange()